Monday, December 25, 2006

What is going on?????

Let me explain. The first post you see, even though it is posted today, is acutaly from about 3 weeks ago. I tried to log on tonight and update my blog and for some unknow, strange, bizare reason, it would not let me log in. So I had to create a new blog, same name, same person, just a new web address. So, the one you just read, was really a re-post

Now, on to todays update.

It has been a few weeks since I filled you in on things. The main reason is I have just been so busy. Busy with work. Busy with home stuff. Busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas, you name it, and I have been busy with it. But, lets start with work. I amd working my weekend schedule this month. It is the hardest schedule to work. I have to work Thursday - Sunday. So my days off are Monday - Wednesday. I have to get up early to take Katie to school those days, so I don't get to sleep much later then on a day I have to go to work, add into that mix, having to get the house ready for Christmas, helping my girl with her eBay stuff, and such, make for very long days. I am so happy that Leeann has her eBay store, she works so hard at it. I just want her to take some time off, slow down a bit and relax a little here and there.

She is going to forced to relaxed here in the next couple of days She is going in on Wednesday for gastric bypass surgery. I am so proud of her for doing this. It takes a lot of courage to do this, more than most can know. Some people will say that the surgery is the "easy" way out. but that can not be further from the truth. Think about it. You could go on a diet today, stay with it for about a week or so and if you don't like it, you can quit. This surgery is for LIFE. If you don't like it, then you die. The first two weeks will be the hardest. I know she can make it.

Christmas for us today was quite fun. I was really surprised by what Lee got me this year. A PS3!!!! I was really blown away by that. We talked about it, but I didn't think she would get one. She never ends to amaze me with the things she does. I just wish I was better at buying her gifts. She always does such a better job at shopping than I do.

I will try to keep you filled in on Leeann's surgery, I know she is going to do so well.

Talk to you soon


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