Friday, December 29, 2006

Now the real fun starts

Well, it's finally over. For Leeann that is. She had her surgery this past Wednesday. We got home just today and it was quite an expierence to say the least.

We got to the hospital Wednesday around 11am. They called us back, and I helped her get ready, and hung with her for as long as I could. They took her back around 12noon. That was the start of my long day waiting. I had to go out to the waiting room and do just that...... WAIT and WAIT and WAIT some more. It was about 1:30 that they told me she was in surgery. So I was able to finally go down and get somethig to eat. But, I was not real comfortable eating something knowing what Leeann was doing. I felt almost sick eating anything, even a salad.

I went back up to the waiting room and had our friend Lisa come and sit with me. We talked for a few hours. I took what seemed for hours for them to tell us that Leeann was out and doing well. I was getting worried as the time slowed to a crawl. Was she ok? Is everything going ok? Well, she was ok and most everything went well. Part of the process of gastric bypass is where they take the small intestine and cut it at the bottom of the stomach and bring it up and connect it to the bottom of the small pouch they have just made. Leeann's intestine had to be streched to meet the new pouch. It happens in a few cases, but it is not anything to worry about. We just had to keep a close eye on her fluid intake. I was able to relax for the first time that day. I just wanted her to be ok and for it to go well.

She went to her room around 5:30pm, so after 5 and half hours, I was able to be with her again. She was not a lot of pain, but she was very groggy and just kinda out of it. She was also very funny. She talked about George Bush, (and if you know Leeann, you know how she feels about George Bush). But, I was so proud of her, she wanted to get up and get moving. She was not fully awake, but she just could not wait to get up and moving. We had to hold her down for 2 hours to keep her from getting herself hurt. Well, after 2 hours, she took that first long walk and I could not belive how well she did. She almost ran down that hall way.

The rest of the night was not too bad, she slept a good part of the night, but had to get up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, but it was not tood bad. I on the other hand, I cold not get much sleep due to the very uncomfortable chair that they try to call a chair/bed. it didn't help much that the nurses had to come into her room every couple of hours to take this vital sign, get some blood, check this, test that and of course every time they came in, they had to turn the lights on.

Well, I want to tell you more, because there is more to tell, but I am finally able to relax a bit and get some sleep, so,,,,,, until tomorrow....


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