Saturday, December 30, 2006

What has to be done.

Let me fill you all in on what the past couple of days have been like. Leeann had her surgery and things went very well and she is doing so well. My job for the next couple of weeks is very simple. I have to monitor her intake. she has to get 64oz of liquid a day (or as much as possible), this can include Jello, popcycles, proten drinks, and so far she has been doing very well.

The first night at the hospital neither of us got much sleep. Leeann could not get comfortable, she wanted to lie down in the bed, then sit in the chair, then the bed. On top of that, add a nurse coming into the room every couple of hours to get this or do that and they just had to turn every light in the room on. Day two was a bit better for both of us, but night number two was the night of nurse cratched from Hell. Nothing I did was right for this woman. I didn't plug in the IV machine soon enough for her. I didn't use the wipe the right way. Did I give her the medican yet? Did I record the fluid intake? Yadda, yadda, yadda. It just wouldn't stop. I was so glad when the morning came and she was gone.

We were able to come home late Friday afternoon and I have been going non stop ever since. Keeping up with her intake and output, changing her dressing, draining her JP tube, taking care of Katie, doing laundry, and keeping Leeann with her water and stuff. I bet I have made about 80 or so trips up and down the stairs. I don't care, I would do it for her in a heart beat. You see. she is my life. She is the reason I do everything I do. I get up for her, I go to work for her, you name it and I would do it for her. You have no idea how very lucky I am to have someone like her in my life. She has belived in me, and stood beside me when I needed her the most. There is nothing I would not do for her. So doing things like changing her dressings, draining her JP tube, even helping her to go to the bathroom.

Katie has been great helping me take care of Leeann. For a 7 year old, she is really great. But I know she is just a kid, but there are times when she pushes me to the very edege, but she is the light of my eye.

More as things go along.


Friday, December 29, 2006

Now the real fun starts

Well, it's finally over. For Leeann that is. She had her surgery this past Wednesday. We got home just today and it was quite an expierence to say the least.

We got to the hospital Wednesday around 11am. They called us back, and I helped her get ready, and hung with her for as long as I could. They took her back around 12noon. That was the start of my long day waiting. I had to go out to the waiting room and do just that...... WAIT and WAIT and WAIT some more. It was about 1:30 that they told me she was in surgery. So I was able to finally go down and get somethig to eat. But, I was not real comfortable eating something knowing what Leeann was doing. I felt almost sick eating anything, even a salad.

I went back up to the waiting room and had our friend Lisa come and sit with me. We talked for a few hours. I took what seemed for hours for them to tell us that Leeann was out and doing well. I was getting worried as the time slowed to a crawl. Was she ok? Is everything going ok? Well, she was ok and most everything went well. Part of the process of gastric bypass is where they take the small intestine and cut it at the bottom of the stomach and bring it up and connect it to the bottom of the small pouch they have just made. Leeann's intestine had to be streched to meet the new pouch. It happens in a few cases, but it is not anything to worry about. We just had to keep a close eye on her fluid intake. I was able to relax for the first time that day. I just wanted her to be ok and for it to go well.

She went to her room around 5:30pm, so after 5 and half hours, I was able to be with her again. She was not a lot of pain, but she was very groggy and just kinda out of it. She was also very funny. She talked about George Bush, (and if you know Leeann, you know how she feels about George Bush). But, I was so proud of her, she wanted to get up and get moving. She was not fully awake, but she just could not wait to get up and moving. We had to hold her down for 2 hours to keep her from getting herself hurt. Well, after 2 hours, she took that first long walk and I could not belive how well she did. She almost ran down that hall way.

The rest of the night was not too bad, she slept a good part of the night, but had to get up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, but it was not tood bad. I on the other hand, I cold not get much sleep due to the very uncomfortable chair that they try to call a chair/bed. it didn't help much that the nurses had to come into her room every couple of hours to take this vital sign, get some blood, check this, test that and of course every time they came in, they had to turn the lights on.

Well, I want to tell you more, because there is more to tell, but I am finally able to relax a bit and get some sleep, so,,,,,, until tomorrow....


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The day before

What a day!!! I got to sleep late today, thanks to my wonderful and ever so sweet 7 year old, Katie. It was so nice to sleep past 6am. I feel so much better and so much more awake.

I did have a very busy day however. After I woke up, Katie and I ran to the mall to return a few things for Leeann. Not as bad as I prepaird myself for. Went right into the store, made the return and back out all in under 10 minutes. That may be a new world record. Katie and I then walked to the other side of the mall and got a new scale for Leeann. I got her one for Christmas that will not only tell her what she weighs, but also her BMI (body mass index) among other things. With the surgery tomorrow, I wanted her to have it when she got home. AC kept Leeann a bit late to get as much work from her as he could, so we were not able to meet for lunch liked I had hoped. Katie was so great at the mall, she walked right be side me and carried her little purse. She was so cute. As we walked, she looked up at me and said, "Dad, this place is so busy today." What a girl.

When Leeann got done, we went down to Maryville for lunch, she wanted to go to Pizza Uno for her last lunch. What she really wanted was the deep dish sundae they have. If you have never had it, it is a MUST. Just when we orderd, Katie said her stomach hurt and she wanted to go home. We got the pizza's to go and off we went for home. Leeann did not get to get her sundae. I fell so bad. I know this is going to be tough on her, but I know she can do it.

Spend the rest of the day running some last minute errands for Leeann. Got a few things as the drug store and at Target. New TV stand for the living room and tired like hell to get TIVO hooked up, but to no avail. Tired every thing I knew, but could never get it to work. So I just ran the cable to the TV so Leeann's dad can watch while he is here.

Leeann is sleeping as I write this. She is scared, she won't admit she is scared, but I know she is. She is about to have a life changing surgery. It has to weigh on her mind. Oh, I almost forgot, the hospital called today, they changed her surgery time from 1:30 arrival to 11am arrival. She is first on the table for Dr. Boyce.

That is going to put me in rush mode tomorrow. I have to get the dogs (hogan and sophie) to the boarders, pick up dad by 8:45am and be back in time to get Leeann to the hospital by 11am. So, it may be a bit before I can write again, I will keep you updated.


Monday, December 25, 2006

What is going on?????

Let me explain. The first post you see, even though it is posted today, is acutaly from about 3 weeks ago. I tried to log on tonight and update my blog and for some unknow, strange, bizare reason, it would not let me log in. So I had to create a new blog, same name, same person, just a new web address. So, the one you just read, was really a re-post

Now, on to todays update.

It has been a few weeks since I filled you in on things. The main reason is I have just been so busy. Busy with work. Busy with home stuff. Busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas, you name it, and I have been busy with it. But, lets start with work. I amd working my weekend schedule this month. It is the hardest schedule to work. I have to work Thursday - Sunday. So my days off are Monday - Wednesday. I have to get up early to take Katie to school those days, so I don't get to sleep much later then on a day I have to go to work, add into that mix, having to get the house ready for Christmas, helping my girl with her eBay stuff, and such, make for very long days. I am so happy that Leeann has her eBay store, she works so hard at it. I just want her to take some time off, slow down a bit and relax a little here and there.

She is going to forced to relaxed here in the next couple of days She is going in on Wednesday for gastric bypass surgery. I am so proud of her for doing this. It takes a lot of courage to do this, more than most can know. Some people will say that the surgery is the "easy" way out. but that can not be further from the truth. Think about it. You could go on a diet today, stay with it for about a week or so and if you don't like it, you can quit. This surgery is for LIFE. If you don't like it, then you die. The first two weeks will be the hardest. I know she can make it.

Christmas for us today was quite fun. I was really surprised by what Lee got me this year. A PS3!!!! I was really blown away by that. We talked about it, but I didn't think she would get one. She never ends to amaze me with the things she does. I just wish I was better at buying her gifts. She always does such a better job at shopping than I do.

I will try to keep you filled in on Leeann's surgery, I know she is going to do so well.

Talk to you soon


The Start of it All

The Start of it All
This is the start of it all. The start of what I hope is something fun and something enjoyable for both me and you. I want to be able to tell you all about me, but we don't have enough space here to tell you everything, but as times goes on, you will all learn more about me and who I am.

I am in my early 40's. Very happly married to, without a doubt, the love of my life. In a couple of weeks, we will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversery. Every one of those days have better than the day before. We have been through so much together. Good times and bad, but through it all, we have been together. She never ends to amaze me with the things she does. Running her EBay business, taking care of our little girl, the house, the dogs and so on. All with a smile on her face (sometimes).

Anyway, this is about me, so onward. Like I said, I am in my early 40's. I work for a major cable network. I work as a broadcast operator. That means it is my job to make sure that the programs scheduled to air, goes out on the air at the right time. I like my job very much, but there are days. I got into this line of work as part of my mid life crisis. I used to wrok in advertising sales and just decided to end it. I have always had a love of television and working in it. Did I make more money in sales? Yea. Did I win all kinds of sales awards? Yes. I was well respected, but I just couldn't do it anymore. After a long talk with my wife, I went back to school and started taking classes in video production.

I have started my own business. Midnight Magic Video Productions. I mainly do wedding videos and enjoy it very much. I have done three weddings this year and a concert video for a choir group. Think I will stick to the wedding videos. I have a lot of fun doing the wedding videos. Working with the brides and their families is a blast. I hope to keep it going for a long while and I hope to someday make it a large business. I want to be able to work from home. I have worked so long for others, I want to do something for myself and my family. We will see how it goes.

Come back often to see how the business grows and how it works.

The Average Don