Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Back to work

Today was my frst day back to work after being off for a month taking care of Leeann. I love taking care of Leeann and being here for her. I wish I could just be a house husband for her. Does that make me a bad person??? I enjoy knowing that she is ok and that I can provide for her and get her the things she needs.

Anyway, I went back to work today and it was so weird. So many things have changed and so many new procedures. It was just weird to be back at work. I had to get up early and get ready, all of it just really weird. Think aobut being on vacation for a month and then going back to work.

We got a new addition to the family today. We got a new horse. Her name is Belle. We were able to sell Sam to a really nice farm in KY and got Belle as a replacement. She is a big beautiful horse, but not what we thought or were told she was. We were told she was a 6 year old Spotted Saddle horse, she is a 4 year old Tennessee Walking horse. I got the chance to ride her this past Saturday when we took a road trip to southers KY. I had fun, but was I need to get some more lessons before I get up on a horse and go trail riding. I tried to stear Belle around the pasture and realized that i have very little control over her. She did finally respond to me and we had a good ride for about 30 minutes. She is a great horse and is very broke so I know she will be great around both Leeann and Katie.

I am so proud of Leeann and how she is doing after her surgery. She is now eating soft foods, things like beans, cheese, and things like that. She is still loosing weight, we both just need to start walking and getting some exercise, but that will come in time.

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