Monday, January 22, 2007

Doing Better

Things are getting much better. Leeann is getting better everyday. Getting in her Protien everyday was hard at first. She just did not want take anything that had any powder in it, it would make her sick. I can understand why, protien was the last thing she had just before she got sick and was put back in the hospital. There have been a few tears, but I am so proud of her for the progress she has made so far. She is up to 30 grams of protien a day, she has to have 60 grams a day, so it is a start. I have been adding a little protien to her eggs every night, she is getting better.

Katie and I are have a diffuclut time as of late. It seems that no matter what I say or do with her, it is a battle. Am I being too hard on her? Am I wanting too much from her? Problely yes to both questions, but I just want her to be a 7 year old. Katie is such a sweetie and I love her so very much. I can't see my life without her. All I want from her is to be the best little girl she can be. Don't get me wrong, there are times when she is so great and so sweet. Like this past Sunday. We were all out rning some errands and taking Katie to have a couple of medical test she has to have every few months. I droped Leeann off at a store and I took Katie with me to get a humidifer for the house. At the Walgreens, I had my mind focus on getting the humidifer and getting back to Leeann as soon as possible. Katie made me stop and smell the roses. She yelled, "Dad, dad, you have to come here, I need to show you something". I didn't want to take the time to look at it, But, Katie can be quite convincing. She was showing me a plastic heart filled with Skittles candies for Valentines Day. She looked at me and said, "We can give mom the heart and I can have the Skittles". I had to just laugh. She almost made me cry. She made me stop and just look at her. She is so beautiful and so sweet. That is what makes so made when she does the things she does. But, what makes me so crazy is that I know she can not control it. I just have to work a little harder to make things better.

This is my last week of being home with Leeann. I head back to work on Janurary 30th, I am a bit nervous leaving Leeann but, I now she wll be just fine.

The adventure continues........

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