Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A tough couple of weeks

I knew things would be busy the last couple of weeks, but I had no idea that it would be this crazy.  I keep thinking of a saying I heard in a movie a long time ago, "the hits just keep on coming".  We just get over the passing of our little Maggie then you throw on top of that Leeann's dads battle with cancer and that roller coster ride it has become, with a little Gran thrown in on the side and you can just image what it can be like.  It's hard to deal with each one, but stack them all together and put it all on Leeann's back and I have to say, I am truly amazed at just how strong she is.  She deals with all that plus still takes care of our special little girl, keeps up with her work with her special client and all his tax work, take on three classes at UT and still run this house, she is just too amazing for words.

My schedule has been crazy to say the least.  I have had two weddings the past two weekends.  I have not had back to back weddings before so I have been a bit nervous taking on two wedding in a row, but I am really happy so far with how well it is going.  I have put myself on a schedule of working on one video in mornings and one in the evenings.  I try really hard to take the afternoons off to be with Katie and Leeann if at all possible.  

I did have one set back with one wedding.  Let me start off with this, I love the weddings and the brides I work with.  It is a joy to watch two people start a new life together and to be able to make something for them that they can watch for years to come is such a thrill.  Working with other wedding professionals is great for the most part.  As a professional, I know they have a job they have to do just like I do, so I try really hard to work with them and help them as much as possible without hurting myself or my product.  But, on two occasions, one just within the past two weeks, I have worked with a photographer that has been less than professional.  I worked with someone that only had his interest in mind.  

I have a set list of shots that I want to get, a set list of "must have" shots that I have learned work well in a video, but I also watch for that special moment that only happen once.  That happened a couple of times in a recent wedding and this photographer either got right in my way or pushed me out of the way.  He crossed the line when just before the wedding was to start, he jumped right in front of me and announced that this was going to be his spot and the fact that he was going to be in MY shot was not his concern and I just had to move.  I then politely told him that I had a job to do just like he did and that I had already set up in this spot so he was going to have to move to a different location.  He put his camera, left the alter area only to return a couple of minutes later to tell me that "the mother of the bride said he was just fine where he was".  Did he just go and tell "mommie" that I was being mean?  

Well, I got even.  I know this was wrong to do, as a professional I should be above doing this, but I have to say that it felt good and it worked.  I was beside him during the ceremony and I could see the picture he was trying to take, I waited until he was just about to take the picture and then "OOOPPPPSSSS"  I bumped him really "hard".  Needless to say, the rest of the day and during the reception, he was always watching where he was in relation to where I was.  

1 comment:

Tennessee Mama Duck said...

I love how you honor your wife during this difficult time in her life! This will help her get through it more than anything else you could do. Keep telling her! :)