Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do we have tickets?

Most of you I am sure know that this time next week, we will be in Disney for Katie's birthday. If you didn't know before, you know now. We are really looking forward to going. Katie is getting more excited by the day. Leeann and I are both looking forward to getting away for a couple of days and we know that this may be our only vacation out of state this year. Oh well.

We had a great weekend with Leeann's dad and step mother. On Saturday we all jumped into my truck as it was the only vehicle large enough to carry all 6 of us (Leeann, Katie, Leeann's dad, step-mother, Leeann's grandmother and myself) and headed up to Cades Cove. If you have never been to the Great Smoky Mountains, then you don't know what Cades Cove is. It is a small area of the park that you can drive through (11 mile loop) and see what the area kinda looked like back when the park was first founded 75 years ago. Along the drive you can go to some of the old cabins and churches that are still standing from old pioneer days. If you ever watched a short lived show called "Christly" about a young teacher in pioneer days, this show was shot in Cades Cove. Sevierville

We all laughed and enjoyed the beauty of the area and just spending time with each other. We stopped in at "Logan's Road House" for a early dinner. Since Katie's birthday is this Saturday, we though we would make last Saturday her pretend birthday since they were with us. We told the waitress that it was Katie's birthday and like most places, they may a big deal of it. The waitress got up on a chair and announced to the whole place that it was Katie's birthday and they did a big "Yah Who". Katie loved it, she had the biggest smile on her face.

Well, today I took Katie to STAR for her riding lesson. We told the instructor that Katie would not be there next week because of the Disney trip. Then on the way home Katie was quite for a bit then she looked at me and said, "dad, do we have tickets for the airplane?" I looked at her and said "What?". She said, "you have to have a ticket to get on the plane when we go to Disney. You know that if want to get on the plane you have to have a ticket. If you don't have a ticket they won't let you on the plane." I told her we had out tickets for the plane, then she wanted to know where did we get the tickets and was the bus we had last year (when she was little) going to take us to the Disney. (Last year we took the Magical Express to the park and the hotel, great service and very recommended) I told her that yes, we are taking the bus to Disney and she was happy.

Katie never ceases to amaze me with the things she says and does. DISNEY OR BUST.........

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