Friday, April 25, 2008

I am Charlie

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 4 years, I am sure you have heard about the TV show LOST.   In case you have been under the rock, I will give you a brief history:  Flight 815 from Sydney to LA crashes on a island, losties (as they are called) want to get off, but lots of strange things happen.  Smoke monster, time travel, polar bears on topical islands, flashbacks, flash-forwards, basically, expect the unexpected.

Anyway, I have been a LOST junkie from the first show, I have not missed an episode.  Leeann and I make a night of it when it's on.  Don't call, we aren't home.  Computers are off.  With all that said, I have attached a link to see which LOST cast member you are.  I am Charlie, who are you??

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