Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where have I been????/

So, just where have I been and why has it been so long since my last post? LIFE. I have been so very busy with stuff. Work is keeping me busy, both professional and personaly. My video business is doing well, I have decided to kinda keep things on a low key this year because of Leeann's surgery. I will work a little harder next year, I just really feel like I need to spend time with Leeann this year. I have a couple of weddings planed, but nothing big.

Leeann is doing much better, but it has been a bumpy road for her. She is eating much better now and we have just gotten back to walking so I know we both are going to feel better here very soon. I am proud of her for how well she has been doing and the weight she has lost.

Katie is doing so well too. She is doing better in school and she seems much happier about life.

I will try to blog some more when I can tell you more with whats going on with me.

I just wanted to let the world out there know I was still here.

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