Sunday, April 22, 2007

This is getting old

This has been a very long two weeks for me. I have been some overtime at work this week covering for a couple of folks at work. This is not so bad of itslef, what was bad was the way is feel. I work 4 days a week and get 3 days off. I love that schedule. I feel like I get a longer break and get more things done on those days off. We rotate this schedule every month so that everyone gets weekend off. As a result, every month I have to work 6 days in a row to make the roation either to off weekends or on weekends. Anyway, I had just gotten off working 6 days, was off on Monday, worked Tuesday, off Wed, then worked 4 days, off Monday, worked Tuesday, off Wed, then worked 4 days. Needless to say, I am tired and ready for a break.

That is not the worst part. The worst part of this past weekend has been a problem with a co-worker. This person is not a well liked person and has been known to be a bit demanding. Well, this weekend, this person pused all of us over the edge. They were asking us to change how we do things at work. We, like most people, don't like change. What makes this worse, the changes they want to make is not something that is workable. I want to vent more but, I don't to revel too much and get my self in trouble. So, I will just have to leave you in suspense.

Leeann and I are getting ready to take Katie to Disney for her birthday. I thnik we are just as excited about all the plans as we are about being at Disney. We have made plans for her to get a special birthday surprise We are taking her to a charcter breakfast on her birthday in Animal Kingdom, we are seting up a treasure hunt with a letter from Simba from the Lion King, her favorite movie. I just have to make it through the next week to get there.

Katie has been doing so well with her training at STAR. She is so good working with horses, she is so good with them. More on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, keep bloggin! I love reading them and you will enjoy looking back.

Love ya bunches!