Monday, February 2, 2009


I grew up in Central Indiana. Winters meant lots of snow and I loved it. Since we have moved to East Tennessee I think we have only had one really good snow to talk about and that was back in '96, so it has been long over due to say the least. We have learned that when the weather guys call for snow it never happens. When they don't call for it, that is when we get a good amount of snow.

Well, last Tuesday the weather guys here said that "early next week, we could have system come through the area that could leave a good amount of snow". I crossed my fingers, all I want is one really good snow. As we got closer to the weekend, the weather guys started backing off that forecast saying the system is going to move farther east than they originally thought. All we would get is rain. Oh Well.

I got up this morning to get ready to meet a bride about shooting her wedding and it was raining just like they said it would. I got to Panera Bread to meet the bride and had to run in to keep from getting wet. I looked out the window just before 9:30 and it was raining. The bride arrived and we started talking about her wedding, I got lost in the conservation talking to her about what I can do for her and the video for her wedding.

At 10:45 we got done and I walked to the door to leave and could not believe my eyes. SNOW!!! My truck was covered, the roads were covered and it was just coming down hard. I had about an inch or so on my truck. Schools were closing left and right but not Knox county. I knew it was going to happen, just when.

Well, Knox county schools closed at 12:30 and we went to get Katie. She wanted to play in the snow so bad, she just begged us to take her outside for just a little bit. I sent her upstair to put on her rain boot that Lisa got her for Christmas. She came bounding down the stair with the biggest smile on her face. She had a blast. She and I built a "snow-woman" if that is what you want to call it. My Golden, Brinkley, just loves the snow, he acts like a puppy again. It was a lot of fun and Katie really liked it.

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