Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Miss...........

Tonight I was helping Leeann with a photo shoot of a couple of kids. Leeann has really done a great job with her photography and it shows in her work and her style. I am so proud of her and the work she has put into this. She is going to be a great photographer.

After the photo shoot we went to one of our favorite restaurants for a nice dinner and to look over her pictures. We got to talking about a few things with one of them being when and where we grew up. I started thinking back to my childhood and all the things I used to do and all the things I miss. Things like:

Being able to ride my bike anywhere in town, without my parents right behind me.
Playing in the yard with my friends.
Kick Ball with the neighbors by the street lamp light.
Friends that you grow up with.
Simple summer road trips.
Picnic's under the tree at my grandmothers house.
Saturday Morning Cartoons.
Drive-In Movies.
Sidewalks. (We have none here)
Spending all day at the swimming pool for a $1
.25 cent Cokes
.65 cent a gallon gas
Penny candy (that was really a penny).
Staying up all night with your friends reading comic books.
Toilet papering a house just for fun.
No Cell phones
No pagers
No answering machines
Writing Letters.
Records. (the vinyl one with grooves that popped and hissed when you played them)
Sleeping late on Sunday mornings.
Snow Days
Tackle football with no pads or helmets (that may explain a lot to some friends of mine)
Walking home from school with your best friend.
Watching football with my dad
Small town living
Knowing your neighbors.

Those are just some of the things I miss, the list would run for pages. I grew up in the 70's/80's. Went to the roller rink on Friday and Saturday nights, played baseball everyday. Jumped on my bike at first light and had be home before the street lights came on at night. Knowing that no matter where I went, or what I did, my parents knew about it before I got home.

Why can't we go back to those days?


Psychnurs1 said...

Some of my things are walking to the arcade after school, building forts in the woods, singing into my first cassette recorder, playing crochet in the back yard, climbing my grandma's apple trees and eating green apples. I could go on and on. I think I'm going to scrapbook this. Thanks for the memories!

Psychnurs1 said...

sorry...I meant playing croquet.