Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Missed milestones

Katie never ceases to amaze me with the things she does that she should be able to do. When we first brought her home we set her up with several doctors because we knew that there were medical issues that we had to deal with. One of the first doctors we saw was an eye specialist. This doctor told us that "if she walks, it will be with a walker and at about the age of 3 or 4". Well, needless to say, she doesn't use a walker and she took her first steps at 13 months. A little later than most, but still walking on her own.

A couple of months later her primary care physician asked us if she was walking backwards yet. Leeann and I looked at each other and said "should she?". Later that same night Katie right on cue took her first steps backwards. Those are just a couple of the many milestones she has reached either a little late or right on time. Mostly a little late.

This past weekend she did something I thought she would never do much less attempt. This past weekend Katie went to the community swimming pool with her two friends and their family. While she was there, Katie saw the diving board and decided that she wanted to try it out. She asked the dad that was with them if she could. She pleaded her way into trying it. The dad told the lifeguard what they wanted to do. So, he swam out to just under the board, splashed some water so she could see where the water was and off Katie went. SPLASH! Right into the water. From what I was told, she loved it. In fact, she loved it so much that she did it 5 more times.

I was floored that she even tried it much less that she did it. It just goes to show that Katie is not afraid to try new things or take that big step to a new milestone. I am so proud of her for doing such a great job and pushing herself to new levels.

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