Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Little Good, A Little Bad and A Lot of FUN

It has been a long day. it started at 6:15 this morning when Kate climbed into our bed and asked if it was time to go to Disney. Well, not really but since we were up and going we got ready anyway. We had a lot of time to spare which was very nice and a lot different then most times we leave on a trip. We usually are trying to get out the door by a certain time and feel rushed all day. Not today, we had A WHOLE LOT OF TIME.

The trip down here was pretty simple and very uneventful. I like trips like that. Well, let me correct myself, there was one little, or should I say BIG bump. We landed in Atlanta and we were getting ready to get off the plane. Leeann was on her Blackberry doing something for one of her clients and I was rushing her to get out of her seat and get moving. I thought she was just texting someone for fun. I was very wrong and needed to slow myself down. So anyway, she got a little upset and jumped up and WHAM. She hit her head on the celling above her. She said she saw stars and had a pretty good headache for a while, but she is much better tonight.

We got to our hotel and we must be very luck or blessed because we have two rooms for the price of one. You see, since Katie takes medicine daily we need a way to keep some applesauce cold for her (she takes about 8 or 9 meds at one time and the apple sauce helps get them all down). So we ask for a handicap accessible room that way we get a fridge to keep her stuff cold. Katie's Dr. gives us a not for this when we travel. Well, we get here and they don't have any of those rooms available so they gave us, at NO ADDITIONAL COST mind you, two adjoining rooms. One room with a King bed and the other with two double beds. How sweet is that. I love Disney.

We decided that we would go down to Downtown Disney for a little shopping (Leeann & Katie's favorite past time) and get some dinner. We went to the RainForest Cafe. If you have never been it is a theme restaurant, but to me, it is the best theme restaurant out there. We had never been and didn't know what to expect. We only had to wait about 20 minutes for a table, not bad since it was 6pm. While we waited, they have this gift shop you can look through, Katie was in HEAVAN. Everywhere you looked, ANIMALS of every shape, size, type, and color. Think of a jungle animal and they had it. She was picking up everything, looking at it all.

Our table was ready and we sat right next to some very life like elephants. Katie's head was turning around as fast as she could trying to see what was all there. She kept petting the elephants and then would point out a new animal she found. She just could not take it all in fast enough. I think she has a new favorite restaurant (sorry Outback). Our waiter was so nice, he rushed mine and Leeann's dinner when Katie's came out so fast. I don't know why we worried about it, Leeann and I, for the first time ever, finished our dinner before Katie did. The wait staff then brought out a HUGE ice cream, brownie, chocolate cake, diabetic coma of a desert. They sang happy birthday to her and she just beamed. Then her eyes got big when she saw the desert thinking she was going to eat the whole thing (it was almost as big she she is).

We left and checked out a couple of shops, Leeann of course found a scrapbooking store to look though. It started to get late and we headed back to the hotel. If you have never stayed on the park at Disney, let me tell you something. The transportation system here is great. You get on a bus and they take you anywhere you want. No driving hassles, no parking hassles, no hassles at all.

Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom, this should be fun.

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