Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Disney Ends

Please read this and the proceeding blog entry, they tie together:

I hate to say it, but our Disney trip ended with a big THUD! We decided to leave a day early simply because it was way too hot and WAY TOO CROWDED. We went down there about the same time last year and it was great, but Leeann and I figured that the weak dollar overseas means a lot of Europeans were coming here for "holiday" (and it showed). We ran into people from France, England, Germany and a few Asian countries as well. As Leeann says, we had serious "people overload" but, we still had a great time.

Things at home are slowly getting back to normal (if our life has any sense of normalcy to it). We went to Katie's school yesterday to plan where she was going to be placed next year. We could have chosen to put her in a CDC classroom (think Special Ed) with her being in a mainstream 3rd grade class for social time or leave her in a 3rd grade class and increase her Resource time. We chose the latter of the two. We just feel that Katie does her best when she is pushed to preform and she wants to do well. In CDC we didn't feel like she would have been challenged at all. We both felt better after the meeting, but it showed us how lucky we really are. The school Katie goes to has some of the best people in it. Everyone from the teachers to the office staff all the way down to the janitorial staff knows Katie. There hasn't been a day when we are out and about with Katie that we hear in the distance, "Hi Katie", or "Mom, that's Katie from my school". And it never fails that when we ask her who they are, she looks at us with a straight face and says "I don't know". But, I have seen them at the school and know that is where they know her from.

The teachers have been the best. Each one has fallen in love with Katie and has said on a number of occasions how sweet and kind Katie is. How caring she is. Her teacher last year got a little weepy on the last day of school when Katie left the room. We see her from time to time and she always ask how Katie is doing. I can't leave out our wonderful principal. He stops Katie in the hall and talks to her to see how things are going, tells her a joke or just walks with her. He cares so much, we couldn't have hand picked better people if we tried.

My business is going well. So well in fact, that I have that overwhelmed feeling right now. Here is my schedule for the next month just to give you an idea: Wedding rehearsal this Friday, wedding on Saturday, spring concert on Monday, rehearsal on Thursday in Morristown, wedding on Saturday in Morristown, work on 3 different wedding through the week including a school concert, another rehearsal on Friday followed by a wedding on Saturday, now work on 4 different weddings and a concert, need to get the pool ready for the summer, find some time in there to mow the yard (OH Lawn Mower Fairy, PLEASE COME BACK) and that just gets me up to the first of June. WHEW!!!!!!!

Can't wait for a beach trip, I will need it.

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