Tuesday, May 1, 2007

e are here in Disney. We had a great trip down here once we were able to leave. Our flight from Knoxville was delayed an hour. No big deal, we just ate a lazy lunch that allowed Leeann and I just spend some time talking to each other. That is one of the things I love about taking trips with her, we are always able to just spend quality time talking to each other. Katie always joins in on the conversation too.

We were able to board the plane about an hour past our departure time, and we had a huge milestone on Leeann’s weight loss journey. We have made many trips by plane and almost every time she has either hid the seatbelt or had to ask for an extension, as the standard seatbelt did not fit her. Well, not anymore, the belt fit and had a little extra to spare.

When we got to the Orlando airport and started to get off the plane, Katie gave the fight attendant a big hug and said thank you. That is just like Katie. Part of this trip that I have been looking forward to is using the Magical Express, this is where they take care of your luggage for you, take you to your resort hotel and all you have to do is just ride along. Well, it sort of worked. We got the resort pretty well, but our luggage is still not here (9:21pm as I write this, and we checked in at 5:30 pm AAAARRRRRGGGG). When we got off the bus at the resort, Katie even gave the bus driver a hug and said thank you.

As we were checking in to the hotel we were telling the desk person that this was for Katie’s birthday. She looked over the desk and asked Katie how old she was and Katie said “I will be 8, but I am still 7 right now”

We have a room that over looks the pool area, so of course as soon as Katie saw the pool you can guess where she wanted to go. This worked out great as it allowed her to blow off some of that pent up energy she had. She blew off so much energy that as soon as we got back to the room after having dinner, she fell straight to sleep. In fact, so has Leeann. I think they both got wore out playing in the pool.

Well, I am going to go that way my self, more later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are snoring very loud! :) But, I love you bunches! Glad you are blogging again!