Sunday, April 29, 2007

I Love Mac's

He we are, 2 days from our trip to Disney. I don't know who is more excited, me or Leeann. We were able to wrap up most of our packing tonight. I know it is 2 days out, but we both have to work on Monday and we are off on Tuesday afternoon, so we wanted to get as much done as we can tonight so we are not rushed Monday night.

You know the worse part of taking off on a vacation....the last few days of work. The days just go by so slow, they just seem to drag along. It doesn't help that weekends are slow at work anyway. I don't mind the weekends, it is just on Sunday, we pretty much have most everything done, we just have to spend 10 hours making sure nothing bad happens.

I do all my computer work on Mac's. I love this machine. It is so easy to use, I can do anything I want on a Mac and it does the things I want. I edit my videos on my Mac, music, photos, you name it, I can do it on my Mac. I say this because Leeannn has had to go back to using a PC. I got her hooked on Mac's a few months ago. I even got one of her clients to switch to Mac's. He did, but he wants his computers to read his mind and work the way he works, but I don't know of any computer that will do that. So now, he wants to go back to PC and Leeann has had to move back to PC as well. She has been having the worse time with the new PC she got, It is not working well and she got so use to how the Mac worked, that it is hard to work witht he PC. I am a Mac Junkie and proud of it.

Next post will come from Disney!!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This is getting old

This has been a very long two weeks for me. I have been some overtime at work this week covering for a couple of folks at work. This is not so bad of itslef, what was bad was the way is feel. I work 4 days a week and get 3 days off. I love that schedule. I feel like I get a longer break and get more things done on those days off. We rotate this schedule every month so that everyone gets weekend off. As a result, every month I have to work 6 days in a row to make the roation either to off weekends or on weekends. Anyway, I had just gotten off working 6 days, was off on Monday, worked Tuesday, off Wed, then worked 4 days, off Monday, worked Tuesday, off Wed, then worked 4 days. Needless to say, I am tired and ready for a break.

That is not the worst part. The worst part of this past weekend has been a problem with a co-worker. This person is not a well liked person and has been known to be a bit demanding. Well, this weekend, this person pused all of us over the edge. They were asking us to change how we do things at work. We, like most people, don't like change. What makes this worse, the changes they want to make is not something that is workable. I want to vent more but, I don't to revel too much and get my self in trouble. So, I will just have to leave you in suspense.

Leeann and I are getting ready to take Katie to Disney for her birthday. I thnik we are just as excited about all the plans as we are about being at Disney. We have made plans for her to get a special birthday surprise We are taking her to a charcter breakfast on her birthday in Animal Kingdom, we are seting up a treasure hunt with a letter from Simba from the Lion King, her favorite movie. I just have to make it through the next week to get there.

Katie has been doing so well with her training at STAR. She is so good working with horses, she is so good with them. More on that later.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where have I been????/

So, just where have I been and why has it been so long since my last post? LIFE. I have been so very busy with stuff. Work is keeping me busy, both professional and personaly. My video business is doing well, I have decided to kinda keep things on a low key this year because of Leeann's surgery. I will work a little harder next year, I just really feel like I need to spend time with Leeann this year. I have a couple of weddings planed, but nothing big.

Leeann is doing much better, but it has been a bumpy road for her. She is eating much better now and we have just gotten back to walking so I know we both are going to feel better here very soon. I am proud of her for how well she has been doing and the weight she has lost.

Katie is doing so well too. She is doing better in school and she seems much happier about life.

I will try to blog some more when I can tell you more with whats going on with me.

I just wanted to let the world out there know I was still here.