Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What a week or two it has been

The past two weeks has been a whirwind. It all goes back to my loving bride sitting in a chair on Super Bowl Sunday (Go COLTS !!!) trying to do a little laundry to help get us caught up and to make herself feel like Leeann again. Well, she reached a little too far and pulled a muscle in her stomach. It really hurt and I think more than anything, it scared her. A LOT !!!! What with what she went through in Jan. and all, I would have been a bit scared too. Anyway, I kept telling her it was a pulled muscle, but her mind was going a thousand miles an hour and if you have every pulled a muscle in your abdoman, you know that it is very painful and very hard to heal.

Well, it kept getting worse and worse until we went to our family Dr. and they did an x-ray. Everything looked good, but, they poked her so much it hurt worse. By last Friday, she was in tears when I came home for lunch from work. So, we called the surgen and he got her in for a CT scan later Friday afternoon. The CT scan was clean so, I took the rest of the weekend off and put her in bed with a heating pad and a wet wash cloth to give her some moist heat and told her to stay there. So, I took the weekend to do laundry (two weeks worth), clean house a bit, take care of Katie and the dogs. All the while keeping Leeann in bed the whole time.

Well, it must have worked, because today, she went off to work and has been doing a lot better. I on the other hand of pulled a muscle in my back that really hurts when I raise my right leg. Like when I sit in a char and try to put my foot on a footstool, PAIN. Raise my leg to tie my shoe, PAIN. You get the idea. It is getiting better, but still hurts.

I think I did well this year for Valantines Day. I got her an iPod nano, with a pair of custom made Nike+ shoes with her name on the side. Best of all, I got them all in her favorite color, PINK. But, best of all today Feb. 13, 2007 is the 17th anniversery of when Leeann and I first met. We met at Hamburger Hamlet (a nice little restruant) in Bethesda MD. I had never seen her until that night at 7:30pm. we had talked on the phone a few times, but had never seen each other face to face. When she walked in the door, I knew who she was and also knew at that moment, that she was going to be the one I was going to marry. I know that sounds korny, but it is true. So there a little romance for Valentines Day.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Dad, Can I help???

Man, has it been cold. i am not a big fan of cold weather which is strange since I grew up in Indiana. It gets cold up there, but I have just never been a fan of cold weather. I don't want to be outside in the cold, I just want to be wrapped up in a blanket, in bed next to my wife. We went out to the farm this past Monday to put a blanket on Belle. We wanted to put one on her since she is so young and needs to gain some weight. Anyway, it was about 11am and about 21 degrees. The wind was blowing which made it feel like about 12 degrees, my hands and toes were so cold. I had on a long sleeve shirt, hoodie sweat shirt and a heavy coat. I also had on a pair of sweat pants under my jeans (that was a first for me, could not have done that 3 months ago) and I was still cold with all that on. Leeann was enjoying being out at the farm, I was just cold.

Katie has been doing much better, but she still has her days. We get notes from her teacher each Friday about what happened that week. This past week was not a good week for her. Seems that Katie broke her ruler, not a big deal mind you, but she lied about it to her teacher. I have this thing with her about telling lies, I have told her I never be mad at her for telling the truth no matter what it is about, but if she lies to me she is be in twice the trouble. But, it got worse. Seems as though they were working on money and working on making change(I have a hard tiime with that). This little girl was having a hard time getting an answer when my blue eyed sweetie said out loud "Oh my God". She went back and told the little girl she was sorry but she was still in trouble when she got home on Friday. Anyway, she has been working really hard trying to make things better. She has been trying to help around the house and with little things, so today I was moppin and waxing the floors in the upstairs when Katie came up behind me and said "Dad, can I help, please????" How do I say no to that? So, I had her hold the bottle of wax I was using. She was so proud and had the biggest smile and I just had to laugh.

Leeann is doing better, I think she pulled a muscel when she leaned over to pick up some laundry, I got made at her for doing it, but she is doing more and more things, so I have to let her have a little more room everyday.

GO COLTS!!!!!! GO PEYTON!!!!!!! That was the best Super Bowl I have seen in a very long time.