Tuesday, November 18, 2008

GAME ON!!!!!

Almost 2 years ago my wonderful wife made a major decision in her life by having Gastric Bypass to help her lose weight. I was so proud of her and still impressed by her progress. She lost 144 pounds. Thats two Katies!

Well, she stalled and I wasn't much help in getting her back in gear. I don't know why, maybe just being lazy. I guess I just didn't want to do all the hard work to lose the weight. Well, two weeks ago, my wife got into "The Biggest Loser" on NBC. I had seen it once or twice for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. I stared watching it with her and really got into it. the show was just so inspiring and got me thinking that maybe I could do this.

So, we have started to watch what we eat and walking (trying to anyway). But, one night I was watching the show and saw this thing on the constants' arms. I though it was a timer for when they were in the gym. We Googled it and found out it was called the Body Bugg. It is a device that measures things like calories burned, steps taken, amount and length of activity. We thought it was kinds neat so we tried it.

I LOVE IT! For the first time in my life I know just what I am burning, what I am taking in and how much I need to adjust both. I have already lost 2 pounds in the first week. I want to walk, I want that little meter to burn. The thing is, with this device on your arm you have a constant reminder of what your are doing. It doesn't hurt, but you know it is there. Plus, there is not sneaking a little of this or a little of that. It will catch up to you.

So my wife has made a challenge on her blog to be accountable on line in her blog and accountable with me. So, GAME ON BABE! Starting today, you will know what I have done, what I ate and what I weigh. My goal is to get to 185 by my 45th birthday (October of 2009). I can do it, I know I can.

This should be fun to watch.

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