Thursday, November 27, 2008

What I'm Thankful for:

Every day I wake up
My wonderful wife
My daughter, the apple of my eye
A home
My work
My health (got good numbers on my last blood test)
My Friends
My Family (getting reconnected)
To be living here in East Tennessee (I can't see us living anywhere else)
The Dogs and our horses
To be an American and to live in this wonderful county

But most of all, I am thankful to God for each and every blessing He has given me. He guides me, and leads me to new and wonderful things everyday.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

GAME ON!!!!!

Almost 2 years ago my wonderful wife made a major decision in her life by having Gastric Bypass to help her lose weight. I was so proud of her and still impressed by her progress. She lost 144 pounds. Thats two Katies!

Well, she stalled and I wasn't much help in getting her back in gear. I don't know why, maybe just being lazy. I guess I just didn't want to do all the hard work to lose the weight. Well, two weeks ago, my wife got into "The Biggest Loser" on NBC. I had seen it once or twice for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. I stared watching it with her and really got into it. the show was just so inspiring and got me thinking that maybe I could do this.

So, we have started to watch what we eat and walking (trying to anyway). But, one night I was watching the show and saw this thing on the constants' arms. I though it was a timer for when they were in the gym. We Googled it and found out it was called the Body Bugg. It is a device that measures things like calories burned, steps taken, amount and length of activity. We thought it was kinds neat so we tried it.

I LOVE IT! For the first time in my life I know just what I am burning, what I am taking in and how much I need to adjust both. I have already lost 2 pounds in the first week. I want to walk, I want that little meter to burn. The thing is, with this device on your arm you have a constant reminder of what your are doing. It doesn't hurt, but you know it is there. Plus, there is not sneaking a little of this or a little of that. It will catch up to you.

So my wife has made a challenge on her blog to be accountable on line in her blog and accountable with me. So, GAME ON BABE! Starting today, you will know what I have done, what I ate and what I weigh. My goal is to get to 185 by my 45th birthday (October of 2009). I can do it, I know I can.

This should be fun to watch.