Monday, January 14, 2008

Now it really gets started

This past weekend was the Bridal Show. What a show it was, there were over 1,000 people there with the majority of those folks being brides. I had the worst case of butterflies this weekend. I was obsessing about everything, just ask Leeann if you don't believe me. I was making her nuts worrying about every little thing there was to worry about.

Leeann was going to help me at the show, but Katie was not feeling too well and Leeann had to stay at home with her and I was left to working the show on my own. I really wish Leeann would have been there, I was so busy. I got there at about 10:45am and did not get done and sit down until about 7pm last night. But, I have to say, even though I was swamped it was a lot of fun.

I was not able to talk to everyone who came by because there were times I was talking to two or three brides at a time and more were stopping by to get info. Some of the things I heard were "your video is so much clearer than any I have seen", "I love your style", "I love your video". That was most of what I heard, I hope there were more good things as well.

I was able to book 5 weddings yesterday and I had about 6 emails last night when I got home wanting to know about dates. I have been doing emails all day today and answering phone calls all day. Best part of the day had to be seeing my ad in the new Premier Bride Magazine, I am the first ad listed in the videography section of the magazine. I am on the top left of the page, which is great when you think about it, you read from left to right, top to bottom, so top left page is the place to be.

I also had a great location at the show, right in the middle, of the show where everyone had to walk to get anywhere. I could not have asked for it to have been better, I have added a photo of the booth, maybe next year it will look better with more color.

1 comment:

Psychnurs1 said...

Yay for you! I am so happy your show was successful! But I am disappointed that ya'll didn't call me to help out with Katie. You should next time.