Friday, October 26, 2007

What a week!!!

We are home from our nice trip to the beach. We had a great time but, there were a few things that could have been better. I enjoyed the trip down there, but coming home was a bit tough. But, why start at the end, lets go back in time to Monday and out day at the beach.

We rented bikes and tried to ride down to the beach. Katie had not been one to ride bikes which I don't understand, she has great balance on a horse. She sits up and has great control of her core muscels, but when it comes to a bike, she just has no control. Well, we got her a bike with some training wheels and off we went. She did great for the most part. It just took a bit to get her to understand that she needed to use the brake. There was one time when she was going down a very slight hill and she forgot to break and ran off the sidewalk and into a bush. I just had to laugh. Of course, Katie didn't think it was too funny, but I was proud of her for getting back up on the bike. It took a bit of talking to get her back on the bike, but she did it and made it to the beach and back in one piece. A bit scraped up, but in one piece.

We made it to the beach agian the next day and spent most of the day there. There were a couple of tidal pools on the beach and we found some very small crabs in them. Well, that was Katie's day. She spent the best part of the day playing with the crabs while Leeann and I sat on the beach, reading. You could not have asked for a better day. Well, it was not as good as that, Leeann, Katie and I all got a bit of sun burn. mine on my right side, mostly my shoulder. Leeann on her right side as well, but also on her EAR?!?!?!!?!? How do you get a sun burn on your ear??? Leave it to her. Katie got her sunburn on her back since she spent the day bent over playing with the crabs.

We decided to hed off to Savahana and do some sightseeing. We also wanted to do Paula Deens' place. First off, I have seen a lot of her TV shows because of where I used to work. Leeann and Katie have loved watching her shows and it seems like she is a great cook. Well, you have to wait in line to get a reseveration, then wait in line for your table. The food is not the great. Think of a cafeteria type resturant and get the type and style of food.

I am tired, so I am going to wrap up for the night and tell you more tormrrow.


Psychnurs1 said...

I hear you don't have as great of a fondness for crabs as Katie does. lol!

Anonymous said...

LA :)