Friday, October 26, 2007

What a week!!!

We are home from our nice trip to the beach. We had a great time but, there were a few things that could have been better. I enjoyed the trip down there, but coming home was a bit tough. But, why start at the end, lets go back in time to Monday and out day at the beach.

We rented bikes and tried to ride down to the beach. Katie had not been one to ride bikes which I don't understand, she has great balance on a horse. She sits up and has great control of her core muscels, but when it comes to a bike, she just has no control. Well, we got her a bike with some training wheels and off we went. She did great for the most part. It just took a bit to get her to understand that she needed to use the brake. There was one time when she was going down a very slight hill and she forgot to break and ran off the sidewalk and into a bush. I just had to laugh. Of course, Katie didn't think it was too funny, but I was proud of her for getting back up on the bike. It took a bit of talking to get her back on the bike, but she did it and made it to the beach and back in one piece. A bit scraped up, but in one piece.

We made it to the beach agian the next day and spent most of the day there. There were a couple of tidal pools on the beach and we found some very small crabs in them. Well, that was Katie's day. She spent the best part of the day playing with the crabs while Leeann and I sat on the beach, reading. You could not have asked for a better day. Well, it was not as good as that, Leeann, Katie and I all got a bit of sun burn. mine on my right side, mostly my shoulder. Leeann on her right side as well, but also on her EAR?!?!?!!?!? How do you get a sun burn on your ear??? Leave it to her. Katie got her sunburn on her back since she spent the day bent over playing with the crabs.

We decided to hed off to Savahana and do some sightseeing. We also wanted to do Paula Deens' place. First off, I have seen a lot of her TV shows because of where I used to work. Leeann and Katie have loved watching her shows and it seems like she is a great cook. Well, you have to wait in line to get a reseveration, then wait in line for your table. The food is not the great. Think of a cafeteria type resturant and get the type and style of food.

I am tired, so I am going to wrap up for the night and tell you more tormrrow.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fall Break

We are here in Hilton Head. We made the trip down here without any problems. It was kinda fun to make a road tirp after all the plane trips we have made latley. We got Katie a new game for her Leapster and that was all she wanted to do all the way down here.

We got here at about sundown and went to the beach real quick. MAN, it was wonderful!!! the sun sitting, the crimson sky, the cool ocean wind, Katie running around the beach in her bare feet looking for shells. it was so nice. We went to the South Beach area and had fun dinner at the Salty Dog Cafe. We are all beat. I will post a photo we took at the beach tomorrow, I am too tired tonight.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

43!!!!! OH MY

Well, my birthday has come and gone. I am now 43 years old. Middle aged. On the the down side to 50. But, like Leeann says every time I complain about being old, I am just happy to be this old and to have the chance to see this age. She gets that from her great Aunt Gladys. When we first moved to Knoxville we meet Gladys Cantrell and we spent the next few years helping take care of her. I did things like little change light bulbs, fix a thing here or there. Leeann helped her with her day to day things and her bookkeeping. The great thing about here was she loved everyday she was alive. She never complained about a wrinkle, a stiff joint or much of anything for that matter. We may all need to be that way, just be happy for each day we have and enjoy that day what ever it may bring.

We had dinner with our really good friends Rick and Lisa. They are such good friends to have, I can't tell you how many times they have helped us with things. We are really lucky to have them as part of our lives.

Spent part of Saturday at the farm taking the horses for a walk. Yes, you read that right, we took the horses for a walk. We want to start riding trails with the guys and we want to get them used to walking in the woods with twigs breaking and such. Well, they did great. Sunny never flinched, or acted like she was in the least bit afraid to go through the thick brush, low hanging trees and branches.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to Rick and Lisa for the iTunes cards, can never have too much music. To Lynn and Lillian (mom and mommom) for the Target card, something good will come from that I am sure. But most of all to my wonderful wife and daughter for keeping my birthday very low key. They know I am not a big fan of my own birthday, but they did give me Madden 08 and that will keep me busy for some time.

43, lets hope there are 43 more to come

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What has happened to us??

I am fast approaching my next birthday. I am not going to tell you the date, as I am not a big fan of birthdays. I don't hate my birthday; I just don't like to make a big deal of it. I tell Leeann to just kiss me in the morning, tell me "Happy Birthday" and that is it. Anyway, I have been thinking of my age a lot the past month, as I have been very sore the past month with the workouts I have been doing in "Boot Camp". So, I have been much more aware of my age the past couple of days. I have been thinking about what I have seen, where I have been and what I have done. I can tell you, I am very happy with my life up to this point. I have a loving wife and daughter, both very supportive of my dreams and hopes. But, something this week really made me question a few things
This week I have been a "door opener" at Katie's school. This is a volunteer service our school does to help traffic in the morning. There are about 4 of us each morning standing outside the school and we open the door of the cars dropping off the kids for school each day. These past couple of days have opened my eyes to a couple of things:

1. What happened to our excitement in life? I have been watching the kids coming to school and they have been running, laughing and skipping into the school. Do you remember being excited to get to school and seeing your friends, playing on the playground? I have been watching these kids laughing and having so much fun. Why don't we do that as adults? Why do we go off to work each day dragging our feet, head hung down looking forward to nothing more then the end of the day? Where is the excitement in our day? How much better would our day be if we went to work each day with the same laughter, joy and enthusiasm these kids have going to school? We each have chosen the path we are on and only we can choose to change that path or the direction of that path. We have the ability to be just as happy as these kids; we just choose to chase the dollar, and to see who can get the most toys. My only advice is this: There is no prize in heaven for having the most toys, only a prize for the heart for the most joy.

2. The other thing that has had me thinking is the fact that when I was Katie's age, 8, I
lived a greater distance from school than Katie does now. I walked or rode my bike to school each day, not once thinking about how far I had to walk, or if I was in any danger. Today, there is not enough money being printed in the world today to let me allow Katie to walk or ride a bike to school today. That makes me so very sad that we live in a world where a little girl has to be watched over to make sure nothing happens to her. We all read the stories in the newspaper about what happens to kids by people who are very sick. I would love to allow Katie to play outside more, or for her to go to the park down the street and play with other kids, but that is not going to happen

I saw a story in our local paper the other day where they are going to make a playground area bigger, but when I drive around town doing errands I never see kids playing at any playgrounds without either a lot of parents around, or teachers right near by. Why are our kids overweight and video game junkies? Simple, we can't allow them outside to play the way we used to play (kickball, football, baseball games, running in the park, playing tag) because we have some very sick and dangerous people in the world and we are trying to get the most toys.
One more thing since I mentioned tag. There have been several school systems across the country have banned the game of tag. They say it is not good for the kids to be chased after or to be scared from others running after them. The simplest game there is for kids to play is being taken away because some parents don't want their little darlings to get scared or feel like someone is after them. Why are our kids overweight???

This one last thing and I will get off my soapbox. We got a notice from school the other day about the grading system Knox County will be using for kids. They will be using letter grades as follows: A, B, C, D, & U. Do you notice anything???
That is right, there is no "F"s. So kids can't fail anymore. This has to be some over the top mom or dad who didn't want their kid to feel like a failure in life. I got a few "F"'s in my life. I am not a failure, I don't have low self-esteem, and I am a pretty normal person and pretty well adjusted. The "F" made me work harder (along with a belt from my dad, more about that later) to make sure I didn't get another one. I felt bad for making that grade. I knew each time that I could have done better, and I did.

My birthday is in a couple of days and I have to ask, what has happened to us???