Friday, September 21, 2007

Two Down and Two to GO!!!

We are back from the big trip out west. We had a good time most of the time we were out there, but the last night there was not much fun. Understand that it was in the high 90's or 100+ every day we were there, Saturday being no exception. When we got done with the day we went back to our room and found it quite stuffy to say the least. We turned on the air and went out to the pool to cool off thinking this would give the room time to cool off. Well, while we were at the pool I found out something, while I have a heater for our pool here, because of the number of trees in our yard keeps the sun from hitting the pool most of the day, out there, they actually cool their pool water with a water cooling systems. We were told that if they did not do this, the water would be like bath water by the end of the day and you would not want to get in.

Anyway, we went back to our room to find it hotter than when we left. I called the front desk and after a 20 minute wait, the engineer came to the room and tried find the problem. He found it. The air unit was frozen. He had to turn the heat on to thaw it out. Took about 20 minutes and we were able to get the air going again. To make things a bit better, we had them send a fan out to the room to make it more comfortable.

I would not mind living out there, it was so nice. The roads were well done, smooth and new. The homes were very nice, and for the most part the people were nice. The sky was SO BLUE. Just a bit hotter than I would have liked. But the best part to me is that during football season, I would be in heaven. Since most games start at 12 noon on Saturday, that is 9am out there. They then go ALL DAY LONG. You get the east coast games, then you have the west coast teams that start around 6pm and go until 9 or 10 at night. It is like Thanksgiving every Saturday. You know, on Thanksgiving there seems like there are game all day long.

Then on Sunday's it starts all over again, NFL kicks off at 10 am, enough time to sleep a bit late, or hit the early service at church, then have brunch in front of the big screen watching games all day. Leeann may not like it out there for that reason, but for a football fan, it is the best place to be.

Everyone wants to know about Boot Camp. Well, I am two weeks in and have two more to go. The mornings are getting a bit better but that alarm clock going off at 5 am is still tough. The works outs change everyday so we don't get into a habit of doing the same thing everyday. I come home every day covered in sweat, sore, tired but feeling good for the most part. Some days are better than others. Like yesterday for example, we were using those rubber cords that offer strength training. But, man those things kill your arm if you use them the right way. And we are doing lots and lots of sit ups, push ups and running. I have hurt my knee so running has been limited, but walking is no picnic either. When walking, you have to keep your arms moving all the time, mainly over your head. I was talking to one of the other boot campers on Tuesday and he asked me if this was the same a basic training in the Army. I told him "Oh no, this is much different than Army basic training." He said "oh, so this is easier?" "OH NO, much harder, I would rather be back in the Army than do this." In basic training we did not do as much aerobic activity. It was mainly jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, stretching, then off for a run of a mile or two.

My arms are hurting, my abs are hurting, my legs are hurting, my every part of my body is hurting. But I am having some fun. Would I do it again??? NO!! Is that simple enough for you.

1 comment:

Psychnurs1 said...

I love the honesty! You are a better person than I will ever be for deciding to do the boot camp in the first place. And as for moving to the desert........NOT. Don't even think about it. I will hunt you down and drag you all back here. You're not going anywhere!