Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Two days in and I'm hurting

I am two days into my boot camp and I have to admit, it is kicking my ASS bad. I went through Army basic training and it was not this tough. I have to admit, that was more than 20 years ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was not sure what to expect, but now I know how tough this is going to be. We had to meet Monday morning at 5:30AM (yes, in the morning) and go over rules and such. I have a little log book I have to take with me everywhere I go, I have to keep track of all the food I eat and all the workouts I do. I don't get a day of rest even on the weekends. We have homework to do on those days.

Anyway, the first day was just a PT test. To see where we were physically and I have to admit, I am in not so good shape. The first thing we did after a warm up was run a mile. I ran, walked, ran, walked, ran, walked and finished the mile in 9:51 and was the last to cross the finish line. Then it was as many sit up and push ups you could do in one minute. Not good there either, only 20 push ups and 18 sit ups in one minute. When I left yesterday, I was a bit light headed and not feeling too good. I was also covered in sweat. I had not worked that hard in years.

Today was worse. We did wind sprints all morning. Running from one cone to another as fast as possible, doing push ups, sit ups and jumping jacks along the way. I didn't feel as bad today, but still pretty winded. But, I kept moving and that is going to be the key for me, keep moving and having a positive attitude in all this. I have to change the way I think and say things. Like "yes I can" instead of "I don't think I can do that" or "I will go just a bit farther" instead of "I can't go any farther". I know it is going to take time and I am going to push myself as hard as I can.

I am sore tonight as I write this. I went to get some dog food for the guys and had a hard time picking up the bags. Not that they were heavy, it is just my arms are so sore, it was hard to lift anything up.

Hope all are having a good day and remember, you can do anything you put your mind to, sometimes you just have to go a little bit farther to get there.

1 comment:

Psychnurs1 said...

I believe in you!!! You will make it through.