Saturday, June 9, 2007

Boy did I goof up today!!!!

Had a good Saturday for the most part today. Leeann is a bit under the weather. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. I hate it when she is not feeling good. The only thing that helps her is lots and lots of sleep. That is just what she has done today, SLEPT. But, it has been good for her. The only thing is that leaves me in charge of taking care of things around the house, not that it is a big deal, but today, it was a big deal.

Saturdays are STAR days for Katie. That is the day we take her out to STAR and she does her riding therapy and she has been doing so well with it. So, I had to get Katie and my self ready for STAR, well, I was in a hurry because we were running late (as we always do on Saturday) and I had to give Katie her morning meds. Well, she got her nighttime meds instead. One of those meds is Melatonin (a sleep aid) and did it ever work! She was able to do her riding, but in the car on the way home, she was fighting hard to stay awake. I got her home; she went straight to the bedroom with Leeann (one of Katie's favorite places) and went straight to sleep for about 2 hours. I thought she was sick since the only time Katie will take a nap during the day is when she is sick (just like her mom). Well, I ran a few errands, and came home to a sleeping house. About 2pm Katie woke up and wanted to go swimming, I took her and we were in the pool for about 30 minutes when she said she was tired, so back to bed she went and back to sleep. I thought at this point, "Man, she is not going to be doing good tonight". I went on about my day and made dinner and got things ready for the night when I saw why Katie was so tired and sleeping so much, I had given her nighttime meds by mistake. One of those meds is Melatonin (a sleep aid) and did it ever work! OOOOPPPPPPSSSSS!!!!!!!

I may have to fire Coco for that one, he should know better.

I went to see Leeann's grandmother yesterday. Not a good thing. She has to be the maddest old lady I think I have ever seen. But the thing is she has no one to be angry with other than her self. She is into the "poor me" stage. We (Leeann, her dad, the doctors, the insurance co., the nurses, you name it) are all out to get her and make her think she is crazy. I tried to tell her that we only want to help her as much as possible. I mean, Leeann has spent so much time on the phone trying to get things set up for her for when she does come home. We had to sell her car since the doctor as said she should not be driving at all anymore and we don't want there to be an accident. Leeann's dad and step-mom spent 6 days in her condo cleaning up the place. The ended up filling two (2) LARGE dumpsters with garbage from her place. Doing nothing more than trying to help her, and she still is mad at everyone.

Yesterday was the 17th anniversary of my dad's death. It is always the week before Fathers Day. So you can image that I am not a big fan of Fathers Day. I have so many memories going through my head this time of year. You see, I spoke to my dad for the last time the night before he died. I called him to ask a favor of him. His last words to me were "I love you son". My last words to him were, "yea, ok. Let me know when you can do that, bye". I know he knows how much I loved him; I just wish he could be here now. He never got to meet my Leeann, he never got to meet his first grandchild, Katie, and I hope that he is proud of me. That is all I ever wanted from him, is to be proud of me.

1 comment:

Psychnurs1 said...

How could he not be proud of you? I think he would think you turned out to be a pretty awesome guy.