Wednesday, June 6, 2007

30 pounds and still creeping along

I jumped on the scale today, it is weigh in Wenesday after all, and I was down 30 pounds. Leeann is down over 100 pounds and I can't be more proud of her. Some things are really good right now, other things are not so good, so lets see, the good or the bad.....which should I share first???? Ok, the bad first.

I am out of work right now on short term disability due to HIGH STRESS. This is related to work mostly. My job is very stressfull to say the least. Making sure that the shows are right, that they air right, no black holes, no audio errors, no mistakes 100% correct all the time. So, you can see how stressful that can be. Leeann has been pushing me to see a doctor and get checked out. I kept telling her that I would be ok, just give me some time for things to cool off. Things kept building and building and building. I finally had to go when Leeann made me the time for me to go. After talking to my doctor and telling her what was going on with me, she told me to go home and relax for a bit, stay away from work and you need to see someone to talk to. She sent me to a physcologest (I know I misspelled that one). I have now been reffered to a physicarist (that one too, sorry Lisa) who thinks I may be bi-polor amongest other things. I have not been doing well the last several months that is for sure, trouble breathing, upset stomach, chest pains, and the list goes on. I have not been back to work since May 17th and as of today, will not be back until June 19th. I am not sure if I will be able to go back even then. Just talking about it makes my stomach go into knots.

The good news is that my last blood test came back really good and for me, that is good. My A3C (average blood sugar) was 6.9, my LDL was 109 and my blood sugar was 169. Those number are without fasting. Pretty good if you ask me. I have also had a stress test that came back really good and I had an Echo of my heart that looked good as well, so that is the good.

I just hope that things get better soon.

1 comment:

Psychnurs1 said...

I'll forgive you the misspellings. :-) I hope you feel better soon.