Thursday, August 16, 2007

Busy Week

This has been a busy week so far. I have really gone into full swing with the wedding video business since the bridal fair is over. I put so much work into that event that I am still tired. But, I have to say it again and again, without Leeann and all the work she did, none of it would have come together or looked as good as it did. I am truly blessed to have such a loving and wonderful wife as Leeann. She is my rock and I could not do half the things I do were it not for her faith and belief in me. I am truly the luckiest man in the world to have such a wonderful wife.

The week started off really good with a couple of emails from brides wanting more information and prices. I was so happy and so proud of the work Leeann did on my price sheet. It looked so great and I was able to get it out to some folks and was able to book a wedding from that price sheet. I will get the contract signed this Saturday. That is in addition to a wedding I booked last night for a friend of a friend of ours (thanks Lisa). She signed the contract last night. I gave her a big discount, but it still ended up being the highest paid wedding to date I have done. I have really enjoyed doing this work, I feel the most comfortable and the happiest I have ever been working with weddings.

I thought that I would not be real busy during the day without the typical office job to keep me going. But, running my own business keeps me on my toes. I have to now monitor the web site daily, keep track of incoming emails, out going mail, bank statements and it just goes on and on. I am up every day between 6:30 and 7am. After Katie is off to school, Leeann and I have a set schedule we follow. Monday and Wednesdays are horse days, Tuesday and Thursday are edit days, and Friday, Saturday & Sunday are family and work time. I still edit some at night and help Leeann with eBay stuff as well, but we stay very busy now.

The best thing this past week was finding a great new babysitter to watch Katie. We have not had a babysitter for quite some time and as a result, have not had the time to go out with friends. Well, we are off on a fun evening out with our BEST Friends (I LOVE YOU, MAN) Rick and Lisa. We have so much fun with them. Leeann and Lisa are going to a scrapbook thing next weekend and I get to play daddy day care with Katie, we will have fun I know. I am thinking of taking her to Chuck E. Cheese maybe on Friday night (WHAT AM I THINKING!!!!) and we may go see a movie on Saturday afternoon. Just some good "daddy - daughter" time.

Here is a photo of my booth from the bridal fair, I am so proud of the work that went into it. THANKS TO EVERYONE that helped last weekend.

Monday, August 13, 2007

What a wild couple of weeks

Well, I have gotten past that crazy rooster and have had a crazy couple of weeks. I have been in the planning stages of getting ready for a bridal fair that went off so well yesterday. I have been working so hard, going over every detail, every paper, every flyer, every DVD, you name it, I went over it with a fine tooth comb. I think I was making everyone around me crazy. Leeann was such a great help, she was right there with me the whole way telling me that everything would be just fine. She was right of course (when is she not right about things like this????). But, I was running things through my head so much wanting everything to be just right, just perfect. There is my problem, PERFECT. Nothing is ever perfect, there will always be something to go wrong, some litle bump in the road, but I did not want that to happen Sunday. You know what, it didn't. It was a great day.

I meet so many people Sunday, brides, wedding planners, other videographers, and there were a few grooms that looked liked they could be anywhere esle that day other than at a bridal fair. But, it was fun. I know that Katie is happy it is over with. I was such a meanie to her the past couple of days. She was only being an 8 year old, but then too, I was grumpy with everyone the last couple of days. But, she loves me and things are back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get around here.

Katie is doing great for the first couple of days in second grade. She loves her teacher, she is a lot like her first grade teacher which is great. She was able to do all of her spelling words tongiht so she got a crazy dance from dad which made her laugh. I love hearing her and Leeann laugh. I think that is the prettiest sound in the world, the two of them laughing together.

Well, I have a lot of video to download and get edited in the next couple of days, want to get this video done as soon as possible. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot more very soon.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

CRAZY Rooster

One thing I enjoy doing is going out to the farm and riding Sunny. I know I don't talk about it much on here, in fact, I don't think I have ever talked about it on here. I didn't think I would like riding a horse, but when Leeann started riding, I couldn't resist and just had to jump on and I have been hooked ever since. So hooked in fact, that we got another horse just for Leeann to ride and I just took over with Sunny. She responds to me so well (for the most part) but she is a typical female, has her moments and can be moody at times, but I love being on her.

Tonight and this past Tuesday night, I really enjoyed the ride. I got to ride out in the pasture and out of the arena where I have felt safe. We took a long ride tonight out into the biggest pasture they have out there. I even saw two deer standing at the edge of the woods. I stopped and just watched them, big eyes and all. I thought in that moment, how could anyone want to hurt or harm such a gentle animal? I used to work with someone who would have seen the same two deer and would have said "Give me a gun!" and he would have gone running into the woods to get them. I just thought what a beautiful sight - how can people shoot these creatures?

Anyway, the funniest thing happened to me the past two nights I was out there. There is this crazy rooster out at the farm. His name is Gremlin and he is just that, a little gremlin. Anyway, there must be something about my legs that rooster does not like because he is always attacking my legs when I am there. Well, I have had enough of this and Tuesday night was the last straw.

I was going out to the pasture to get Sunny for my lesson when this crazy rooster snuck up behind me and attacked my legs. I almost kicked him but he ran too fast. I thought that was the end of it. But NNNOOOOOOO!! This rooster just didn't get enough. He charged at me and I spun around and caught him with the halter and lead (rope) I had in my hand. I got him so that I flipped him up in the air, spun him around twice and he landed on his back. Shook him up a bit, but then he tried to charge me again. I will give him credit for persistence, but I was not going to let this little bird win. I stood my ground and did not back down, almost like the shoot out at the OK corral. Well, except it was ME against the crazy rooster!

Well, I won after about 10 minutes of staring him down, he finally backed down. I thought he would get the message, but tonight he proved me wrong. I went to get my saddle to ride and I will be dammed if that little bird was not laying in wait for me. As I went by one of the horse trailers, he came charging out and went after my legs again. I stood my ground and started to go after him. I think that did it. He started to back down and slowly move away. But he kept one eye on me and kept looking over his shoulder like he was going to jump at me at any second. The funniest part of all of this was one of the other roosters there - he started attacking Gremlin while Gremlin was trying to attack me. Seems the other rooster is more "human friendly" and does not like Gremlin attacking humans. Although, according to Mary - Gremlin only does this with me. "GREAT!!!"

Anyway, that has been my week so far. I have got a rough couple of weeks coming up - but potentially full of potential. I have a wedding this Saturday outside of Gatlinburg and then next weekend I have the wedding show - where the anticipated attendance is 1000. I'm one of three Videographers. So my mind is going about 300 mile an hour with all that is going on. I just hope I don't forget something this weekend.

Have a good week. I'm gonna try to.